It's a wee bit chilly out today, gray and snow. The only glass scavenging took place this morning when I took our dog, Roxy, out for a walk. We went to the beach so she could run and take a polar dip in the water. Really not much out on shore - so I came home and played with my glass from previous excursions. The best part is, there are no sharp edges!
The sun is shining, the breezes are mild, the tide is going out and the sound of the water softly flowing onto the beach and back out over the pebbles, rocks, pieces of shell and other gifts from the sea - is truly Zen like. Walking close to the water line, eyes alert for any sign of a jewel from the sea ~~ sea glass and shards of pottery. I consider myself very lucky indeed that I live within walking distance to the beautiful and rugged shoreline of Massachusetts. I'm also very lucky that I can come home with my pockets filled with glorious treasures that the mermaids - {YES I BELIEVE THAT MERMAIDS DO EXIST!} - leave behind on the shore in their rush to get back to their homes before low tide. Just like Cinderella!
I wonder what stories these pieces of pottery shards could tell? Are they from a ship lost at sea or a housewife tossing broken dishes into a seaside dump?
Left behind on the shore or among the craggy seawood covered rocks of the New England shoreline, are jewels from the deep.